- Eyelash & Eyebrow Enhancing Ancient Secret Serum is a unique all natural formula of lash enhancing, conditioning, moisturizing and strengthening ingredients.
- BOTANICAL HERBAL AND OIL blend to prime, condition and support natural hair growth
- SECRET recipe used for centuries to enhance beauty. This adds natural oils for smoothing and conditioning, protects skin collagen and elastin fibers, ennhances elastin and hyaluronic acid production.
- HOW IT WORKS: Aging causes the oil gland at the hair root has stopped producing the oils that coat and soften the hair. The oil gland dries out over time. The oil rejuvenates the hairs which softens them almost immediately, leaving them nourished.
- THESE OILS enhances the most broken lashes into the long, thick, healthier eye lashes you want! Anti-oxidant Certified Sustainably Grown Rosemary. • Recycled Materials • Sustainable Raw Materials & Practices
Prize: Eyebrow Growth Serum And Eyelashes - Longer, Lush, Healthier EyeLashes & Brows - Rejuvenates Hair in 45 Days- Non Toxic All Natural - Wise EssentialsEnds: January 12, 2017 11:59 PM PST or when all prizes have been awarded
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